Metaphorical Content: Connect Radically Different Concepts to Generate New Ideas

Everything’s already been done, right?  Not exactly.  Brands – and individuals, really – need to get in the habit of seeing the patterns that play out in daily life and information trends while making creative leaps to connect ideas that haven’t been connected before. 

In other words, take two completely unrelated concepts and link them together to create a new idea.  In the world of writing, that’s basically the definition of a metaphor.  You’re illustrating concepts and creating visual images in people’s minds by steering away from cliché and creating your own offbeat comparisons.

This Renegade Hipster post uses old war posters as ½ of the equation, with

If Social Media Was Around for the World Wars

their censorship/Big Brother concepts glaringly highlighted.  The contrast?  Social Media.  Google and Twitter in the Age of World War.  What would that look like?  Someone’s imagined it for you, and created an interesting concept worthy of further thought. 

And isn’t that what you’re trying to do with your content?  Engage readers? Get them to think about your brand and remember it when they need you?

The idea makes social commentary (possibly) while using contrast to highlight connections and patterns in the history of communication – and war.  Designers use contrast all the time to make a point, to create new connections, to revamp the old, to generate ideas.  We should all take the time to create some new connections in our brand identity and content.

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